Cool to Care
In the last few years, marketing and media have been enjoying a very nice trend: It’s now cool to be good. It is undoubtedly important to have good products, be effective and have great customer service. However, what else has increased sales and popularity of brands? Good values. “Brands that build or enhance their image through their commitment to a cause tend to reach people in a deeper, more emotional way. That increases the consumer’s bond with the brand”, says Debbie Nierman from HGX Creative.
The famous bag by Whole Foods that reads “I used to be a plastic bottle” is, in truth, saying: “We are good doers — as you buy from us you are also helping the environment”. Moral Fibers, with their fashion from the developing world, and BucketFeet, the shoe company with a similar concept, are examples of companies that have been reaching popularity not only by having great looking products, but also by the good value behind their business.
In a society where karma promised to come back to bite us, the best is to remain safe and stick to some good and caring principles.