Frequently Asked

Got Questions?

Want to generate leads, increase sales, promote customer loyalty? Does your brand need a refresh? How about a new marketing campaign or promotional products to get people talking and inspire action? We’ve answered your most pressing questions about working with HGX Creative.

What is branding?

Branding is one of the core services at HGX, and is the foundation on which all of your sales and marketing elements are built. It’s founded on your promise to your customers, and what they can expect from your products and services. Sales aren’t driven solely by individual promotions; they’re a fusion of those promotions and a great brand experience. We make sure that your branding carries through all parts of your marketing, from your messaging to your design and promotional products.

What makes HGX different from other marketing agencies?

A few things. First, we offer integrated marketing solutions, not just single services or custom products. This is essential to effective, cohesive branding and customer retention. Second, we apply innovative thinking to how custom merchandise is used within the larger marketing mix. Third, we walk our talk. We believe that interpersonal relationships are key to the success of our promotional products and services, so we focus on a “be better humans” philosophy of customer service. The result is a creative agency that has your back, whatever your marketing challenge.

Do I have to know a lot about marketing or design to work with you?

Definitely not. As long as you’re creative in your thinking or appreciate innovation, we’re happy to be your creative guide.

Why are promotions so important?

Promotions—everything from social media posting to integrated marketing campaigns and business promotional items—are how you get the word out about your brand. It’s how you capture the imagination of your customers and encourage them to keep coming back, year after year. Without promotions, it’s exceptionally difficult to reach new audiences and engage existing ones.

Is direct mail still a thing?

In a word, yes! Direct mail continues to be one of the most effective ways to (literally) get you name into the hands of customers. In decades past, direct mail was overused, and a single postcard or brochure might have gotten lost in a stack of others. But since many businesses have since moved their promotions solely online, there’s renewed opportunity for you stand out through direct mail. But we’re not your grandma’s direct mail marketer; we don’t do plain #10 envelopes with mass solicitations. Instead, we craft curated, dimensional direct mail for experiential marketing. Lumpy, bumpy, jiggly, infused with scents or sounds, and filled with fun, our packages evoke excitement and inspire people to connect with your brand.

How can I develop the best promotional items and customized products for my business?

It starts by thinking beyond “your logo here.” There are tons of off-the-shelf promotional items, from mugs and magnets to tote bags and power banks. Sure, we do these, but when you work with us we’ll show you how to push the power of promotional marketing beyond basics so you really stand out from and above the crowd. Your brand will truly stand out when you work with our dedicated team of designers to create everything from mystery-message blacklight activated T-shirts with hangtags and packaged in tubes, to custom-designed, made-to-order products, to multidimensional promotional kits. All aligned with your brand, and crafted to keep the great work you do top of mind for customers.

What are some examples of unique promotional products you’ve created?

We’re glad you asked! We’ve created everything from plush toys to giant custom games and a “stress-free excursion kit.” If we can imagine it, we can make it!
We believe promotional products should be approached holistically, as part of an integrated marketing program, and not tacked on as an afterthought. We find ways to make it a key part of your campaign, to maximize its potential for return on investment. Find even more of our favorite promotional products on our work page.

How can I create the coolest swag bag for my next event?

The most important part is to go beyond what everyone else is doing and focus on rewarding your customer for showing up. Think about products that reflect your mission and services, that are functional as well as fun or aesthetically pleasing, and that can be utilized for more than just a single use. After all, a well-chosen bit of swag could end up on a customer’s desk for years to come.

Can you help me stand out at a tradeshow?

Can we ever! Need a booth design? A digital kiosk? A tent or other outdoor display? A triptych of retractable banners? We’ve got you covered. From interactive displays to electronics charging stations, iPad kiosks, and a dizzying array of signs, backdrops, and banners, check out some of our tradeshow and event display work.

Do you manage promotional giveaways, sweepstakes, and contests?

Absolutely. We know that staying on top of sweepstakes, contests, and other giveaways can be a legal and logistical headache. Why do the heavy lifting when you don’t have to? For more on how we can help you run successful promotional giveaways, get in touch today.
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Considering a custom branded shirt for your next promotion?
There’s a scientific reason for the difference in heat absorption between different colors. This occurs because of the varying degrees of light absorption, with darker colors absorbing more energy and converting it into heat, while lighter colors reflect most of the light and absorb less energy, thus staying cooler.
And what about color? For example, what makes red, red? The color of an object is determined by wavelengths of visible light that it reflects. For instance, a red shirt appears red because it reflects red light (wavelengths around 620-750 nm) and absorbs other wavelengths. Dark-colored shirts (like black) absorb a broader range of wavelengths across the visible spectrum. In contrast, light-colored shirts (like white) reflect most of the visible spectrum and absorb less.
Check out more fun facts Science Is Fun For Everyone
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If you are using QR codes or planning to soon, find out how to keep your QR Codes SAFE 👉🏼

QR codes are an indispensable tool for marketers seeking to engage with their audience in innovative ways. With their rise in popularity also comes the risk of potential scams and security breaches that can harm your brand's reputation and undermine customer trust. 
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Marketing campaigns that contribute to a greater cause are meeting customers increasing needs for meaningful connections with brands beyond transactions. 

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Today we celebrate the strength, resilience, and achievements of women around the globe. 🌍💪 From breaking barriers to shattering glass ceilings, women continue to inspire and lead in every aspect of life. We honor their invaluable contributions and dedication to creating a world where gender equality is not just a dream but a reality. Happy International Women's Day! 💖 #internationalwomensday  #equality  #empowerment  #inspire  #WomenWhoInspire  #InspireInclusion  #IWD2024